conditions générales de vente

Each of the following terms are defined as below:
“Own Catalogue Products” refers to Catalogue Products designed and developed by AMIAUD..
“Third Party Catalogue Products” refers to Catalogue Products designed and developed by third parties and sold by AMIAUD.
2.1 Creation of a Customer Account
2.1.1 Prior to the first Catalogue Products order, the Customer must create a Customer Account.
2.1.2 The Customer must fill in all the required information accurately, as this data is essential, particularly in order to ensure , the delivery of
Catalogue Products. In the absence of accurate data, AMIAUD reserves the right not to confirm the creation of a Customer Account or order.The Customer agrees to update this information without delay, in case of any changes.2.1.3 On creating their Customer Account, the Customer must choose their login and password. These identifiers are unique, personal
and confidential and are under the Customer’s responsibility. They shall, therefore, ensure that no unauthorised person has access to it, and shall inform
AMIAUD immediately of any access or suspected illegal access.2.1.4 Before completing the creation of their Customer Account, the Customer will be asked to read this Agreement, via the hypertext link available,
to validate and agree to the Terms of the Contract, by ticking the box “I have read the General Terms and Conditions and I accept them unreservedly”.
In the event that the Customer entrusts AMIAUD with the creation of its Customer Account, the present Contract shall be sent to the Customer by e-mail as mentioned in
Article 2.1.5 and it shall be considered that the Contract has been approved when the Customer returns the e-mail to AMIAUD, as referred to in the same Article.2.1.5 In order to complete the creation of the Customer Account, AMIAUD will send an email to the latter asking them to send AMIAUD by return of mail, a
company registration certificate KBIS (French Code of Fiscal Procedure) dated less than three (3) months prior to the date of creation of the Customer Account, along with the Customer’s bank account details.2.1.6 Once their Customer Account has been created, the Customer will receive a confirmation email from AMIAUD.2.2 Ordering Catalogue Products from the Site
2.2.1 The Customer may order Catalogue Product via its Customer Account, for which the characteristics are described in detail on the Site, subject to
their availability.
2.2.2 Before completing their order, the Customer shall ensure that their invoicing address, shipping address and
method, as well as payment methods are accurate and shall check the recapitulation of the Catalogue Products selected (particularly, quantity, references and prices).
2.2.3 The Customer will then receive the Order Confirmation, which they undertake to verify immediately. If an error is observes, the customer must inform
AMIAUD in writing within a period of two (2) days.2.3 Ordering Catalogue Products by telephone
2.3.1 The Customer may put through orders for Catalogue Products, of which the characteristics are detailed on the Site, by telephoning
AMIAUD on the following number +33 (0)2 51 07 82 To do so, it is expressly agreed that they authorises AMIAUD to access their Customer Account.
2.3.3 The Customer makes the order with AMIAUD by telephone, and then receives the Order Recapitulation, which the Customer is responsible for checking
immediately. If an error is observes, the customer must inform
AMIAUD in writing within a period of two (2) days.
3.1 Prices
3.1.1 The Prices of Catalogue Products are those displayed in AMIAUD’s price list or on its Site on the day of the Customer’s order. Shipping costs
are not included in the price of the Catalogue Products and are specified when the order is processed, on selection of the shipping company.3.1.2 AMIAUD is free to modify its prices.
3.2 Payment methods
3.2.1 The Customer may choose to pay for their order, whether made via the Site or by telephone, by direct debit or by
bank card.
3.2.2 If the Customer opts for payment of their order by bank card, are asked to select the type of bank card to be used,
and to fill in the corresponding information in the fields displayed for this purpose.3.2.3 The Customer guarantees to AMIAUD that they have the authorisations required to pay the amount of their order with the bank card used.3.2.4 Once the Customer has completed payment for their order, it will be officially confirmed and the invoice will be forwarded by email in PDF format, at the same time as the
Order Recapitulation, to the address specified in the Customer Account, or on specific request, by post
to the address specified in the Customer Account.
3.2.5 In the event that the Customer opts for payment by direct debit, the Customer is asked to provide full details of their
bank account identity (RIB).
3.2.6 If the Customer opts to pay for their order by pre authorised direct debit, the corresponding amount will be processed by direct debit:
For an order put through between the 1st and 24th of month “M”, payment will be debited from the Customer’s bank account on the 10th of month “M+1”. For an order put through between the 25th and the last calendar day (30th or 31st) of month M, payment will be debited from the Customer’s bank account on the 10th of month
M+2.In the case of a change of bank details or bank domiciliation, the Customer must send AMIAUD a bank account identity (RIB) by email to the following address prior to any new order of Catalogue Products.Article 4. CLAIMS – RETURNS AND WARRANTIES
4.1 Claims relating to apparent defects and quantities of Catalogue Products delivered must be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt (LRAR), within three (3)
days after the effective delivery date, under penalty of inadmissibility. The Customer must provide proof of any apparent defects. The latter must
allow AMIAUD every facility possible to identify these defects and, if applicable, to remedy them. The Customer must not
intervene personally or let a third party intervene.
4.2 No return will be made without AMIAUD’s authorisation. Catalogue Products returned are done so at the Customer’s expense and risk. Returns
of all or part of the Catalogued Products delivered do not exempt the Customer from their obligations to settle the invoices on the agreed due date. The
Catalogue Products returned will either be, at AMIAUD’s discretion: replaced, repaired, reimbursed or deducted from further invoices.4.3 In addition to the legal warranty against hidden defects provided for in articles 1641 et seq. of the French Civil Code, AMIAUD guarantees: the conformity of the Third Party Catalogue Products with their technical specifications and protection against any manufacturing defect, within the limit, however,
of the coverage and duration granted by the manufacturer for this same warranty.
the conformity of the Own Catalogue Products with their technical specifications and against any manufacturing defect, for a
minimum of (2) two years from reception, which may be longer depending on the Own Catalogue Products concerned.In order to be covered by the aforementioned warranty, the Customer must immediately notify AMIAUD in writing of any defects in the Catalogued Products and must provide
AMIAUD with every possible facility to identify such defects.4.4 Any intervention on the Catalogued Products by persons non-authorised by AMIAUD shall automatically result in cancellation of the
the warranty. Interventions under the terms of the warranty, particularly, the correction, repair, modification or replacement of parts, shall not
have the effect of extending the warranty on the Catalogue Products, unless otherwise provided by law.