Since always, we have been working on the design and manufacturing of high-end fishing boat equipmentfor both saltwater and freshwater fishing. Designed by our experts and manufactured by our design office, our fishing boat equipment perfectly suits our users’ requirements and needs. Our product ranges constantly evolve, in order to keep up to date with changes in fishing techniques, and assist you with in these new trends.

Our ranges of fishing equipment

SEANOX, the reference range for saltwater fishing boat equipment and PIKE N’BASS, the one for freshwater fishing boat equipment.

the best
for you boat

Our team is comprised of enthusiasts renowned in the fishing and leisure boating sector, who apply all their expertise to design the best equipment for your boat.  By fitting your boat with the Seanox and Pike N’ Bass ranges, you benefit from long lasting high-end equipment that keeps up with the latest trends and innovations in the sector.

and support

We are able to support boat manufacturers in developing their OEM fishing ranges and to advise our retailer network and boat fitters, regarding Seanox and Pike N Bass products, in relation to their geographical area and customer database.


Here is an overview of our achievements in fishing equipment for saltwater or freshwater.

They trust us